Exam Stress

So, in my first year at university there wasn't any exams - awesome! Well that all changed in my 2nd year. For anyone who is unsure how university learning works, the year is split into 2 trimesters learning 3 modules in each trimester. For each module you get a piece of coursework, sometimes they even give you 2 pieces of coursework - not so great!

Having coursework to complete is stressful enough but oh no that's not all you have to worry about, for most modules there is an exam after the 12 week teaching period!

Before university I hadn't sat an exam since I was 17 and I failed it the first time around, needless to say I was not looking forward to exams! If you fail an exam you do get to resit it again within a few months, this isn't ideal because you will be studying for another set of exams at the same time. STRESSFUL!! 

Reasonable Thoughts!!
When my first set of exams came around I took the week off work to prepare, this meant using a week's holiday to study - needs must I guess! It was INFORMATION OVERLOAD, seriously trying to remember 12 week's worth of information for 3 different modules is a nightmare. The good thing is the university does provide previous past paper exams, so you can try them and work out any patterns (when you find one it's like the sun has come out from hiding).

In most of my modules the lecturers did give some key hints for the upcoming exams, to be honest the hints could have been better. As I am now in my final year I only have one exam left to sit in May, best news ever!! In all my time at university I have never failed an exam even though there have been times when I thought no way did I pass that!

IMPORTANT TIP: Stock up on highlighters, pads and pens! I have went through a crazy amount writing all my exam notes (I do like them to look pretty ha!).

I would advise if you work part time to book the week before exams of, as you don't have classes the week of exams this gives you more time to study! I would say try and stay calm but that's never going to happen, everyone gets nervous. If you put the time and effort in and study, then you will make it through :-)



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